Who is Rasakali

Why Rasakali......
Rasakali is a Devotee of Sanatani Satya. The word Rasakali means Kali filled with Rasas i.e. Kali in Loving mood. Rasakali is basically a mark which the Vaishnavas put on their Chest as a symbol resembling "Sri Hari stays at our Heart". Here the editor Rasakali imagines the Sanatani Satya to be the Mother and want himself to be Her beloved son and stay on Her heart as Rasakali. Thus he names himself as Rasakali.

Who is Rasakali...

Rasakali is very unfortunate in one thing. He searched and went for and to many Dharmgurus with a will to accept them as his Guru, but none of them, as Mahakal wishes, could satisfy him. This resulted that he was immensely frustrated. Beloved Jagatpita Sri Sri Paramhansa RamKrishna Dev, at that time stretched his Sacred right hand, Sri Gurubhai Swami Vivekananda towards him providing him the Life Work of Swamiji and widening the cells of his intellect. After this Thunder from a clear sky, Rasakali awoke from the deepest sleep of MAYA. The door of Jagatsar, the door of Satya was seen for the first time for him. He became desperate to go through that door, but that door was closed. Its due to Ahetuk Kripa of Thakur, that he this time not stretched his hand, rather came by himself to open that door for Rasakali. He provided Rasakali with his words (Srim Kathit Sri Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita) and as Rasakali went through his Amrita Katha, the door of Satya went on opening. The Satya revealed before him. Ma Mahamaya remained a Spectator as if her Trigun Trisul was lost, Mahakal stood still forgetting all about his Trikal  Trisul. And to share this Satya, the Sar Satya of this Universe, Rasakali is Under the Umbrella of this Site. But He can never forget to express his deepest gratitude to his Guru, Sri Sri Paramhansa Thakur, who is Dronacharya of Ekalavya, since Rasakali has not received the training from the Lord at his physical presence. Nothing more to tell about me, all is to be said is the Satya, which Rasakali will write as Ganesha and Maa (Sanatani Satya/ParaBrohmomoyee Ma) will be telling him as Sri KrishnaDaipayan VedaByas did for enchanting the Mahabharata. He will not thank Sri Sri Ma  Sarada, because she herself is Rasakali's Maa and so She is the most beloved one for Rasakali or in proper words, She is the one for whom Rasakali lives. So thanking Her means keeping her at least at some distance, but Rasakali can't remain alive if he stays at a distance from Her. So Rasakali will not thank her, but will surely his deep gratitude and respect for her all sons, and especially Her eldest son Swami Vivekananda.